The Winner of 2011 Photo Favors is ……..

THE FLIPBOOK PEOPLE!!!! WOW! We would like to thank everybody out there who made this happen. Thank you Alex Diaz from mix 105.1 for being the MC for the Perfect Wedding Guide’s Vendy Awards. You rock! The ladies over at the PWG for making this happen. We love...

Millennium Coaches

We had a blast tonight. The Staff was so nice at Millennium Coaches. They are a bunch of great guys over there. You should check out their inventory. Flat Out Gorgeous!

Minerva’s Bridal Show

If you are planning a wedding or Quincenera in the near future and need help. Come and stop by the Rosen Plaza on International Drive in Orlando. There will be over 50 Vendors ranging from Planners, Venues, to Favors. We will be making flipbooks to who ever wants...


Our special have been super hot!!!! They were suppose to end this month on July 31st. Well, we extended it to August 31st! WOW!!! We must have flipped our minds!!